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Teva Research and Development Center delegation visits CNCL

时间: 2016-01-26 19:44 字号:|| 点击:

A delegation from Research and Development Center of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. (Israel) visited the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) in the afternoon of January 26, 2016. They included Dr. Steffen Nock (Vice President and Global Head of Biologics), Dr. Daniella Gutaman (Vice President, Generic R&D), Mr. Asaf Reshef (Vice President of China), Mrs. Junlan Ren (Business Development Director, Teva China)) and Mrs. Xi Lu (Regulatory Affairs Director, Teva China). The honorable guests toured the entire facility of CNCL with interest. They were deeply impressed by the operating mechanisms, service-oriented approaches and advanced technologies at CNCL.

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