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2014 graduation gathering held at NCDS

时间: 2014-06-24 14:55 字号:|| 点击:
摘要:The National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS) held its annual graduation gathering in the afternoon of June 23, 2014.

The National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS) held its annual graduation gathering in the afternoon of June 23, 2014. Staffs and graduate students from different research groups attended the event to share the achievements and revelation of those who are graduating in 2014. Drs. Ming-Wei Wang, Xin Xie, Fajun Nan and Jingya Li were present as mentors and answered questions raised by the students to help them build confidence and navigate directions. In the end, souvenirs were distributed and the four mentors commended the graduates to study hard, work diligently and realize their dreams in their new positions.

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