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NCDS held the 2012 annual Board meeting

时间: 2012-07-11 18:53 字号:|| 点击:

Chaired by The Executive Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Academician Jian Ding, the National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS) held its 2012 annual Board meeting in the afternoon of July 11, 2012. Among the directors or their representatives who were present in the meeting included Mr. Zhongmin Zheng (Biopharmaceutical Section Chief of Shanghai Municipality Science and Technology Commission), Mrs. Liping Wang (Biomedical Section Chief of Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr. Longhai Cai (Deputy Director of Shanghai Pudong New District Science and Technology Commission), Mrs. Xin Wei (Principal Staff of Medical Administration Section, Shanghai Bureau of Public Health), Mr. Shenrong Tian (Assistant President, Shanghai Branch of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr. Daxu Fu (Deputy Director of Shanghai Biopharmaceutical Technology Enterprise Promotion Center), Mr. Haifeng Ding (Deputy Manager of Investment Department of Shanghai Zhangjiang Group Corporation), Dr. Jin Ma (Director of National Shanghai Center for New Drug Safety Evaluation and Research) and Dr. Ming-Wei Wang (Director of NCDS). Mr. Chengdong Yi (Deputy Director of Shanghai Food and Drug Administration) was absent for business excuses. Drs. Xin Xie, Fajun Nan, Jia Li, and Jingya Li, as well as Mr. Ming Li observed the meeting.

Following a progress and task report made by Dr. Ming-Wei Wang, the attendants offered their opinions and suggestions relative to the future growth of NCDS, while commended highly the achievements made so far. The meeting also passed a resolution concerning the management reshuffle at NCDS. Several participants visited the Chinese National Compound Library thereafter.


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