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Minister Zhu Chen and Vice Minister Qian Liu met Dr. Ming-Wei Wang

时间: 2012-07-04 19:37 字号:|| 点击:

Professor Zhu Chen (Minister of Health) and Professor Qian Liu (Vice Minister of Health) met with Professor Ming-Wei Wang in Beijing on July 3 and 4th, 2012, respectively. They congratulated Dr. Wang and his research team for their recent achievements in international cooperation and in structural studies on a key drug target. The ministers encourage the scientists concerned to continue their relentless efforts in executing the National Mega R&D Program on "Major Drug Innovation", thereby demonstrating the state will and the state action in order to deliver innovations of global significance. Professor Wei He (Director of Science and Education Department of the Ministry of Health) and Professor Qimin Zhan (Executive Deputy Director of the Mega R&D Program on "Major Drug Innovation" Implementation and Management Office) attended the meeting with Minister Zhu Chen.

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