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Generous donation by Novo Nordisk formally acknowledged

时间: 2012-07-03 09:40 字号:|| 点击:

A formal ceremony to acknowledge generous donation by Novo Nordisk A/S (Denmark) of approximately 0.5 million small molecule compounds was held at the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL) in the afternoon of July 2, 2012. 

Mr. Chen Yu (Executive Deputy Director, the Administrative Committee of Shanghai Zhangjiang High-Tech Industrial Development Zone and Deputy Director, Shanghai Municipality Science and Technology Commission), Mr. Jianjun Cheng, CPC Secretary of Shanghai Institute of  Materia Medica (SIMM), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Professor Yang Ye (Deputy Director of SIMM), Mr. Haitao Ding (Vice Chairman of Shanghai Pudong District Science and Technology Association), Mr. Weihua Song (Assistant Director of Shanghai Zhangjiang INNOPARK Administrative Committee) and Mr. Hao Min (Vice President of Shanghai Zhangjiang Biopharmaceutical Base Development, Co., Ltd.) were present.

Distinguished guests from Novo Nordisk including Professor Børge Diderichsen (Corporate Vice President), Dr. Søren E. Bjørn (Scientific Vice President), Dr. Baoping Wang (President of R&D Center in Beijing), Dr. Kezhou Zhang (Vice President, China) and Dr. Haoyan Cai (Medical Manager), as well as a group of young scientists who received financial support from the Novo Nordisk-CAS Research Fund attended the event.

Following a brief introduction by Dr. Ming-Wei Wang relative to the donation background and utilization status of the library, Professor Yang Ye expressed heartfelt gratitude to Novo Nordisk for its generous donation on behalf of SIMM and the National Center for Drug Screening, while Professor Diderichsen gave an overview of Novo Nordisk and its collaborative efforts in China. Prior to the ceremony, the Danish visitors toured the CNCL facility and were deeply impressed by its advanced infrastructure and innovative culture.

Late in the afternoon, Academician of CAS, Professor Kaixian Chen, gave a warm reception to his old friend, Professor Diderichsen, and other guests from Novo Nordisk at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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