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Drs. Sooyoung Choi and Young Ho Kim from Eutilex of Korea visit CNCL

时间: 2019-12-13 14:32 字号:|| 点击:

On December 13, 2019, Drs. Sooyoung Choi (President and CEO) and Young Ho Kim (Senior Executive Director) from Eutilex Co., Ltd., Korea visited the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL). They were warmly received by Drs. Ming-Wei Wang (Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/CNCL and Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University) and Dehua Yang (Professor, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences). During the visit, the honorable guests met with Dr. Song Lee Jang (from Korea), Mr. Vladimir Tsoy (Ph.D. candidate, Korean descendant) and Ms. Tsay Elena (Research Associate, Korean descendant) from Uzbekistan who are presently conducting their studies at CNCL, had lunch with them as well as Professor Shahlo Turdikulova (Director of Center for Advanced Technologies, Ministry of Innovation Development, Republic of Uzbekistan). Ms. Qian Ma from Pudong Hospital, Fudan University, participated in the event.

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