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Dr. Ming-Wei Wang calls for SGK3 project review meeting at CNCL

时间: 2017-07-18 17:08 字号:|| 点击:

In the morning of July 18, 2017, Professor Ming-Wei Wang (Director of the National Center for Drug Screening/Chinese National Compound Library and Dean of School of Pharmacy, Fudan University) called for a meeting, at the small conference room of the Chinese National Compound Library (CNCL), to review progresses made in finding inhibitors of serum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase family member 3 (SGK3). Professor Ying Chen (School of Pharmacy, Fudan University), Associate Professor Dehua Yang and Assistant Professor Xinchuan Dai (Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences) were present. They agreed on the priorities and timelines in the next three months relative to advancing this project.

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