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"Pharmacology in China" series launched by TiPS

时间: 2013-11-04 10:26 字号:|| 点击:

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences (TiPS), an internationally renowned academic journal, recently began to published a series of articles focusing on the research progresses and development status of pharmacology in China. It was led by an Editorial entitled "A rising star: pharmacological development in China" (A rising star: pharmacological development in China) and two articles describing the brief history of contemporary pharmacology (Ming-Wei Wang et al.: Pharmacology in China: a brief overview) and use of computational biology in drug discovery (Hualiang Jiang et al.: Computational methods for drug design and discovery: focus on China) in China, respectively. This series was primarily designed by TiPS Editorial Board Member Ming-Wei Wang. It is informed that contributions by eminent scientists such as Zhu Chen, Saijuan Chen, Zihe Rao, Jian Ding, Meiyue Geng, Guangji Wang, Dean Guo and Guoan Luo, among others, will follow in the next several months. 

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