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Professor Peter K. Vogt awarded the Einstein Professorship

时间: 2013-01-07 15:28 字号:|| 点击:

In the beginning of 2013, it is informed that Dr. Peter K. Vogt, Scientific Advisor of the National Center for Drug Screening (NCDS), was awarded the prestigious Einstein Professorship by Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). Professor Ming-Wei Wang, Director of NCDS, paid a special visit to Professor Vogt in the afternoon of January 7, 2013 congratulating his achievement and discussing his China trip arrangements this year. The Einstein Professorship Program is a key initiative of CAS which is awarded each year to 20 or so distinguished international scientists actively working at the frontiers of science and technology for conducting lecture-tours to China.

 Peter K. Vogt, presently as Executive Vice President and Chief Scientific Office of the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI, La Jolla, California), was trained as a virologist at the Max-Planck Institute in Germany and at the University of California in Berkeley. His work (over 360 publications to date) deals with retroviral replication and genetics, with viral and cellular oncogenes and with the identification of novel inhibitors of oncoproteins. He has made groundbreaking contributions to our knowledge of the cellular and molecular biology of retroviral infections, including the interaction between viral and cellular receptors, genetic recombination between retroviruses, and viral interference. In collaboration with biochemists, he has determined the structure and map of the retroviral genome. This work was essential in the identification of the first retroviral oncogene, src, and its cellular origin. His studies of oncogenic retroviruses resulted in the discovery of several oncogenes that have become important in human cancers: myc, jun and PI3 kinase. His recent work involves collaborations with chemists at TSRI in a quest for small molecule regulators of cancer targets. Dr. Vogt has taught microbiology and molecular biology to medical and graduate students at the Universities of Colorado, Washington and Southern California, where he was also Chair of the Department of Microbiology. At TSRI, he actively participates in the lecture courses for graduate students and hosts graduate students from several universities in his laboratory. During his career, he has trained more than 80 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. Many of the alumni of the Vogt laboratory are now in leading positions in academia and in industry in the US, Europe, Japan and China.

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